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Deets: The Seaport’s annual Holi celebration welcomes children and families of all ages to shake off the winter blues and celebrate the arrival of spring with dances, drummers, colorful puppets, delicious food and spirited fun with brightly colored powder. In partnership with The Culture Tree and the South Street Seaport Museum, this year’s Holi celebration will include an interactive paintball mural, dance workshops, delicious tastings, art activities and a puppet show. Visitors can also sample traditional Indian cuisine enjoyed during this annual holiday, purchase Holi’s signature colored powders and shop at the outdoor Indian market at Pier 16 featuring nearly a dozen Indian owned-businesses. Holi will take place Saturday, March 23, from 11:00am–1:00pm, no outside colors are permitted. In celebration of Holi, guests are encouraged to wear an all-white outfit to help amplify the Powder Play experience.

HInt for the Average Socialite: Free with RSVP. You can purchase your colors here. In celebration of Holi, guests are encouraged to wear an all-white outfit to help amplify the Powder Play experience.

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