Photo: Average Socialite
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Deets: For one day only, HI-CHEW Easter Bunnies will be stationed throughout popular Manhattan neighborhoods handing out classic Easter eggs filled with HI-CHEW’s iconic pillow packs. New Yorkers who choose to sign the “Save the (Chocolate) Bunnies, Eat HI-CHEW®” pledge on-site will win a free HI-CHEW Bites Easter Egg as a participation prize. Locations:
Soho: Corner of Prince St & Crosby, near Equinox
Washington Square Park: Corner of 5th Ave & Wash Sq. N. near Arch
Midtown: Corner of 5th Ave and W 33rd St, near Empire State Building
Hint for the Average Socialite: This event is free and open to the public Tuesday, March 19th from 9-11AM and 12-3PM, while supplies last.
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