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Deets: On September 12, Uber Eats and PetSmart will unveil ‘The Best Pet House Ever’ in NYC, welcoming the public, pets and their pawrents, to preview the home filled with tons of PetSmart items available from Uber Eats for all species, including tail-wagging toys, treats, food, and accessories.
From the catio to the lizard lounge, the architectural masterpiece serves as the ultimate playhouse for all pet species while inspiring pet parents to upgrade their fur family digs.
Because Americans can’t resist a Zillow virtual tour, ‘The Best Pet House Ever’ will be available to tour virtually and viewers can shop must-have products from PetSmart aisles on the Uber Eats app. Within the tour, users can click on over 75 PetSmart items throughout the house and get promo codes to purchase them on Uber Eats. Ranging from $15-35, users may redeem one promo code per person per day and will be capped at $250k total over six days
Hint for the Average Socialite: This event is free and open to the public or you can visit virtually on Zillow!
What’s Trending: @ubereats @petsmart