EIC @sharmedlife
Susan G. Komen Greater NYC is on a mission: No one should die from breast cancer. Join an army of survivors, thrivers, family, and friends to fund cutting-edge research to find the cures and empower community-based programs providing critical breast cancer services for medically underserved women in our communities. Together, we are creating more survivors.
Breast cancer is hard. This is a walk in the park!
In Komen NYC's 28 years, we've had over 400,000 people race towards one shared goal: no one should die from breast cancer. New Yorkers have raised over $80 million to fund local programs to help thousands of women and their families, and fund national research to find the cures.
Thank you for joining our army.
Whether you're walking, running, rowing, volunteering, a Virtual Participant or a Kid for the Cure, thank you for kicking complacency to the curb. Your time, your donations, and your fundraising help us create more survivors.
Hint For The Average Socialite: Join our team at the starting line!
Registration is now open! Register to join a celebration of survivors you'll never forget. If you raise $250 in support of the Race for the Cure after you sign up, you'll receive your own pink tutu to rock on race day!
You will also be able to create your own Team: komennyc.org/raceregistration
Stay up to date on events in your area: Join our Members Only Site to receive our weekly newsletter!
What's Trending: @KomenGreaterNYC #breastcancer #TuTuTuesday #susangkomen #creatingmoresurvivors