Q&A Screening of In Darkness, LA

Affair: Q&A Screening of In Darkness

When: Thursday, May 24, 2018 @ 7:30PM

Hot Spot: The Los Angeles Film School, Los Angeles, CA

Deets: Blind pianist Sofia (Natalie Dormer) overhears a struggle in the apartment above hers that leads to the death of her neighbor Veronique (Emily Ratajkowski). It is the start of a journey that pulls Sofia out of her depth and brings her into contact with Veronique’s father, Milos Radic (Jan Bijvoet), a Serbian businessman accused of being a war criminal. Sofia is drawn into a dangerous world of corruption, investigating police, hitmen and the Russian mafia – a world with links to Sofia’s own hidden past and a path of revenge she has kept hidden until now.

Screening to be followed by a Q&A with co-writer/star Natalie Dormer and co-writer/director Anthony Byrne!

Who You May Spot: Natalie Dormer, Anthony Byrne

Hint For The Average Socialite: RSVP details on MEMBERS ONLY.

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