Art on Paper, NYC

Photo: Average Socialite
AffairArt On Paper

When: Thursday, March 5th, 2015 (VIP preview and afterparty)
March 6, 2015 - March 8, 2015 (general admission)

Hot Spot: Pier 36, NYC

Deets: Art Market Productions is pleased to announce art on paper, an art fair from the producers of Miami Project, which launched in March 2015 on Manhattan’s vibrant downtown waterfront. Art on paper's exhibiting galleries featured work by artists who look to paper as a major influence in their sculpture, drawing, painting, and photography. Working alongside Beneficiary Partner, Brooklyn Museum, and Presenting Sponsor, The Wall Street Journal, art on paper brought the best in modern and contemporary art to downtown New York’s Pier 36.

Who You May Spot: Art collectors, advisors and enthusiasts

Hint For The Average Socialite: VIP tickets, opening night party and general admission were available HERE

What's Trending: @artMRKT #thepaperfair
