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Deets: Southern California's Seaside Highland Games is the premier Scottish festival on the Pacific Coast and will launch its 20th outing on October 14 & 15, 2023. Staged on the Ventura County Fairgrounds in coastal Ventura, California, the venue is transformed into a virtual Scottish village of this or any age. Set on the Pacific shores, the festival is fortunate to enjoy the ocean breezes virtually every year and October is the optimal time to enjoy the time between summer and fall!
Participants in the Seaside Games travel from all the western states to take part. Our honored Clans Munro, Gunn and Innis Societies of North America will be flooding us with members from across the nation and Canada. There could be a few native Scots thrown into the mix as well!
Saturday brings the gala Opening Ceremonies and Grand Parade at noon for all to see. A true color spectacle! Four stages of wonderful music will be playing continuously throughout the weekend, while nearby the Scottish athletes, will amaze you. The herding dogs demos will amuse and thrill you and the dancers of all ages will enthrall you! Fine vendors, tasty Celtic food and drink when the need arises, and a precious Childrens Glen for the wee ones add to the amazing offerings. And there so much more as well.
Hint For The Average Socialite: Tickets will be on sale soon!
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