Alive & Running 5K Walk/Run for Suicide Prevention, LA


Affair: Alive & Running 5K Walk/Run for Suicide Prevention

When: Sunday, September 25, 2016 @ 8AM

Hot Spot: West 88th Street & La Tijera Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA

Deets: Alive & Running is an inspiring gathering that remembers loved ones and raises money and awareness for the Didi Hirsch Suicide Prevention Center. The family-friendly event also includes a Health & Wellness EXPO to educate people about suicide, as well as live music, a raffle, and a Kiddie-K. It is expected to draw more than 2,000 runners and walkers and to raise about $350,000 for the center.

About Didi Hirsch
Didi Hirsch Mental Health Services has been a leading provider of community mental health and substance use services since 1942. Dedicated to serving communities where stigma or poverty limits access, Didi Hirsch helps more than 90,000 children and adults each year from 11 locations and 100 schools throughout Los Angeles and Orange counties. The first in the nation, the Didi Hirsch Suicide Prevention Center is a national and world leader in training, research and services for people who have thought about, attempted or lost someone to suicide.

Our Center has a 24/7 English/Spanish Crisis Line that takes calls from around the United States and is the back-up for crisis centers throughout California. It is also one of only three in the U.S. that answers calls on the National Disaster Distress Helpline.

We have support groups for people who have attempted or lost loved ones to suicide which have been replicated around the nation and world. We educate more than 20,000 people each year-including LAPD's SWAT teams, the FBI, firefighters and other emergency responders-how to recognize and respond to warning signs.

Who You May Spot: Three-time Olympian/Runner/Author/Advocate, Suzy Favor Hamilton, whose brother died by suicide, will speak and lead the pre-race warm up. Hamilton, a seven-time U.S. National Champion and record nine-time NCAA Champion runner, wrote the New York Times Bestselling memoir, Fast Girl - A Life Spent Running from Madness, which details her life with mental illness, the effects of her misdiagnosis, her brother's death by suicide and her own suicide attempt.

And special performances by award-winning singers/songwriters/advocates Tom Goss & Larissa Lam.

Hint For The Average Socialite: Donate or register here.

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