2016 Ryder Cup, Chaska

Affair: 2016 Ryder Cup

When: Tuesday, September 27- Sunday, October 2, 2016

Hot Spot: Hazeltine National Golf Club, Chaska, MN

Deets: Today, the Ryder Cup is golf’s pre-eminent event, biennially bringing together 12-member teams from the U.S. and Europe for glory and pride on a three-day worldwide stage. Spanning 87 years and now 40 competitions, the Ryder Cup also is among the last great professional sporting events where winning, and not prize money, is the reward.
The idea to stage international matches, at that time between the best American professionals and those of Great Britain, is a subject of debate among golf historians. 

The selection process for the 2016 Ryder Cup team reverted back to the top eight players in the U.S. Points System through August 28, 2016 and four Captain’s Picks. Captain Love then selects three of his four Captain’s picks on September 11, 2016 and his final of his Captain’s Picks on September 25, 2016 at the conclusion of the PGA Tour season.

Who You May Spot: Top 12 golfers from USA and Europe

Hint For The Average Socialite: The Ryder Cup has become one of the most highly sought after events in all of sports to attend. Because of the extreme demand for tickets, a random selection process will take place to determine which registrants will have an opportunity to purchase 2016 Ryder Cup tickets.

Join our Members Only site for other ways to attend.

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