7th Annual Changemakers Gala, NYC

Taylor Kitsch & Connie Britton | Photo: MJ Photos/PR Photos

When: Thursday, November 19, 2015 @ 6:30PM

Hot Spot: City Winery, NYC

Deets: The internationally acclaimed African Children’s Choir is coming back to perform in New York City this fall! Last year, they honored Taylor Kitsch and this year, they are pleased to award Ray Barnett the founder and original ChangeMaker with the ChangeMakers Award for his long time devotion and continuous support of the African Children’s Choir.

The event includes special guest Connie Britton (Nashville, Friday Night Lights), and live performances by Big Kenny (Big & Rich), the Internationally acclaimed African Children’s Choir & more!

6:30PM VIP ChangeMakers Reception & Wine Tasting
7:30PM General Admission, Show & Dance Party

Who You May Spot: Connie Britton, Big Kenny, the African Children's Choir

Hint For The Average Socialite: Tickets are available now!

Check out last year's 6th Annual Changemakers Gala!

What's Trending: #changemakers #gala @acchoir #accnyc2015 @conniebritton #africanchildrenschoir
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